A1-1 Waivers and Id Cards
All participants must sign a waiver of liability form. If a participant is under the age of eighteen, a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver. Anyone entering the player bench or the field must present player I.D. card NO WAIVER, NO CARD, NO EXCEPTIONS. Players, coaches, assistants, and all others must personally pick up and present their ID card to the timekeeper before entering the bench or field.
A team using a player who did not complete a waiver prior to playing will forfeit that game. If a player puts inaccurate information on his waiver or uses another player’s card to play, his team will forfeit that game, and the player will be suspended for one year. All fees paid by a suspended player are non-refundable.
A1-2 Identification
Acceptable documents for verification of age or identification are one or more of the following: driver’s license, DMV ID, passport, an original birth certificate with a raised seal, green card, high school ID, or an outdoor soccer league card.
If a formal protest is made, it is the team’s responsibility to re-verify the age and/or identity of the player. Also, management may request identification from a player at any time to verify age and/or identity. The only forms of identification acceptable in these cases will be one of the first four items listed above. If the player can no longer provide proof, his team forfeits every game in which the offending player participated.
Any participant who is discovered to have lied about his age or identity to play in any league will be suspended for a minimum of one year. All fees paid by a suspended player are non-refundable.
A1-3 Player Eligibility
- a) A player must be at least eighteen years old to play in any adult league.
- b) A youth player may play in a youth age group older than he is eligible for, but
never in a younger age group.
- c) If a player has been paid to play professional (indoor or outdoor) soccer within
the last six months, or is currently playing professionally, he is only eligible to
play at the highest level in each league available in that facility.
- d) A facility may restrict advanced players from playing in leagues more than two
levels down. Ask for your facility’s policy.
- e) Persons with physical or mental impairments of a serious nature that may put
them or others at risk will be restricted from play. Pregnancy and heart problems
are conditions that put persons at risk.
A2-1 Roster Restrictions
The maximum number of players per roster is unlimited. Players may be added to the roster throughout the season, with the exception of playoff or Championship games. Everyone playing in a playoff or a Championship game must have participated in at least two prior games for that team in that season.
No one may play on two teams in the same Division. No one may switch teams after having played for one team in the same season.
A2-2 Next Season Registration
Teams currently playing in any league will have the first priority to re-register by placing a deposit before a deadline set by the facility. (Usually two or three weeks before the start of the next league; check with your facility.) The deposit is non-refundable.
A3-1 Team Deposits/Payment Schedule
All fees must be paid in full at start of season. If a team’s registration fees are not paid, the team may be prohibited from playing or dropped from the league, without a refund!
A3-2 Individuals Payment Schedule
All individual players fees must be paid in full by first game. No exceptions!
A3-3 Refunds
Pro rated refunds will be given to a player who paid to join an “individuals” team, if he is unable to finish the season, or the player may receive a credit for the next season. No refunds are given to suspended players. If a player who joined a team which registered as a “regular team” wants a refund, he must arrange to get the payment from the team’s authorized Contact Person.
If a team deliberately forfeits two games in a season or decides to drop out of a league, they may be replaced and no refund given.
A3-4 Returned Checks
If any player’s or team’s check is returned, that player or team will be suspended from playing until payment is made. A $25 returned check charge is assessed in addition to the amount of the original check.
A4-1 Schedules and League Formats
Leagues usually run eight or ten game seasons Formats for a league may change from season to season, depending on the number of teams in a league. Please check with the manager for the format of your league. Schedules are available for each player on a team.
A4-2 Standings and Tiebreakers
Usually, leagues are set up on a Best Record system. A team’s record is the total number of points earned per game: 10 points for a win, 5 points for a tie, plus 1 point for each goal scored (up to 5 maximum) – win, lose or tie. Occasionally, the winner of a league is the winner of a playoff Championship game. Please check your league’s format.
Tiebreakers proceed in this order:
- If two or more teams are tied, the head to head results (win/loss record of
the game(s) between the tied teams) determines the winner.
- If two or more teams are still tied, the head to head goal differential
between the tied teams determines the winner.
- If two or more teams are still tied, the winner is the team with the fewest
goals scored against them in all league games.
A4-3 Forfeits
A team will forfeit if there are not at least four players ready to play within 5 minutes of a game’s scheduled start time. A team will forfeit if they lose enough players in the course of a game that they are unable to field four eligible players. A team will forfeit if they are not paid up to the amount due by that game.
Forfeits are recorded in the standings as a 5-0 loss for the forfeiting team.
A forfeit is given to a team if a player on the team has deliberately broken any rules regarding registration or eligibility, or a team causes a game to be terminated. If a team deliberately forfeits two games in a season or decides to drop out of a league, they may be replaced and no refund given.
If your team is in danger of forfeiting due to a lack of players, please tell the manager and he will attempt to find more players.
A4-4 Suspended Games
Any game which is suspended at or after half time is final. A game which is suspended before the end of the first half because of a blackout will be rescheduled.
A4-5 Reschedules
If your team has a scheduling request and you make sure it is on your Team Registration Form before the league schedule is made, we will try hard to accommodate. After the schedule is made, a reschedule is only possible if there is an available time slot, and if the team complies with facility policies. Please check with your facility to find out their policy on reschedules.
A4-7 Awards
Each player on the team which wins a league will get a T-shirt. A player must play in at least two games to get a T-shirt.
A5-1 Red Card Suspension
The referee or management has the right to eject a player, coach or spectator before, during or after a game. That person must leave the property immediately (possible tournament or two leagues exception). If an ejected player(s) fails to leave the premises, the game will be terminated and the victory awarded to the opposing team. If, after receiving a red card misconduct continues, additional red cards may be issued.
If a player, coach, or spectator is issued a red card, he is ejected for a minimum of the remainder of that game and the team’s next league game, or that player’s next game if it is the last game of the season and the team is not returning. His team will play short for 5 minutes, or until scored upon if short handed. The length of the red card suspension will be determined by the manager.
A5-2 Mandatory Red Cards
Foul and abusive language is a mandatory red card; the offending player, coach, or spectator must be ejected.
Leaving the bench, or coming in to the bench or field from the stands to join an altercation is a mandatory red card.
Fighting is a mandatory red card, and any player, coach, or spectator given a red card for fighting shall be guilty of violent conduct and ejected from the facility for not less than one year and up to permanently.
Any player, coach, or spectator who touches, bumps, physically contacts or verbally abuses a game official or facility staff shall be guilty of violent conduct and ejected from the facility for not less than one year and up to permanently.
Also, elbowing, tackling from behind, and striking are usual red card offenses. See Red Card Offenses, section B15-5b.
A5-3 Multiple Red Cards
Any player, coach, or spectator receiving a second red card in a one year period will be suspended for ten weeks from entering the property as a player, coach, or spectator, starting from the date of the second red card.
Any player, coach, or spectator receiving a third red card within one year of the first will be suspended for one year from entering the property of the facility as a player, coach, or spectator, starting from the date of the third red card. If , after returning from a one year suspension, any player, coach, or spectator receives another red card, he may be suspended permanently.
A5-4 Terminated or Abandoned Games
If the referee terminates a game, the outcome of the game and any disciplinary action will be decided by the manager. See Referee Powers, section B5-1c. If any player, coach, or spectator involved with a particular team gives the referee cause to terminate a game, the victory will be awarded to the opposing team.
A5-5 Protests
A protest must be submitted in writing.
No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises. Anyone suspected of consuming alcohol or illegal substance before, during, or after the game will be removed from the playing field and/or bench area and, depending on conduct, the premises. They will be given a red card and a suspension dictated by the manager.